Pandora Street

The shape of opening to come

We’ve been doing lots of work with others in our industry to get ready for climbing in the CV19 era.

We are working with the CWA, CEC, SCBC and the BC Gym Owners to determine a path forward and create a plan for operating the gym when we open.

First priority is the safety of our staff. They will be spending more time at the gym than anyone, so it is important that we operate in a way that will minimize risk. Staff will be asked to protect themselves and climbers and keep Crag X a good place to be. For stage one of opening, protecting others by having everyone in the gym wear a face covering will be one part of the solution.

Next is all you beautiful climbers. Climbers will be asked to protect staff and each other by only climbing when healthy and by maintaining good hand and respiratory hygiene. Coupled with appropriate physical distancing, wearing a face covering, and our extra cleaning we think we can run a climbing gym that does as good a job as possible to reduce transmission of CV19. In the beginning, climbing will need to be less social than it was. We are working out the details of a system to fairly share climbing in a gym with a CV19 mandated smaller capacity.

Finally we must do our part to protect the rest of society. This means washing hands before a climbing session and also before leaving the gym and returning to the outside world. It means being careful about your personal ‘restart’ and making choices about how much of your old life you restart and how much mixing of households you do.

We are making the final decisions on our three stage plan for opening and will be announcing it soon. We also hope to give a firm date for restart.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon.

Crag X