Pandora Street

Memberships Sales Temporarily on Hold


We have come to the difficult decision to put a temporary halt on membership sales. We will longer be selling unlimited entry EFT, Year, Three Month, Month or Early Entry memberships. We will continue to sell day pass and ten entry punch passes.

We have made this decision because we feel a responsibility to our existing members to give them the best possible experience as members of Crag X. We want to do right by the people that supported us during our COVID shut down.

We know that getting your regular number of climbing slots as a member is not always possible due to our government limited capacity. Although our membership makes economic sense after the fifth visit in a month, we understand that some existing members may want to freeze their memberships. No hard feelings if you choose this route. Existing members can renew their memberships.

Punch passes and Day passes are still available for sale.

We have expanded our hours to 11pm weekdays and added extra booking slots through the week to try to maximize the opportunities for climbing despite the capacity restrictions. The first and last slot of the day are now two hour slots. We appreciate those climbers that have adapted to fewer days a week of climbing - we know it was done in the spirit of sharing a limited resource and helping a business that has limited options to meet demand.

Thanks so much for your continued support, we look forward to all of this being over as soon as possible.

Take care.

Kenneth and Niko